

 To uninstall the Manual:

  1. Click on the Start Menu and go to Programs.

  2. Go to Animal Health Publications.

  3. Choose the Uninstall program for the desired manual.


  1. Click on the Start Menu.

  2. Go to "Settings" and choose "Control Panel".

  3. Double click and run "Add/Remove Programs"

  4. Find and click on the the name of the manual you want to unistall.  They will have "AHP" as the beginning of the manual name.

  5. Click on remove.

  6. Follow the directions given.

Browser Functionality:

Internet Explorer versions 5.5 or higher and Netscape 7+ are currently the only browsers with full functionality for viewing our information.  Netscape 6+ or earlier will not highlight words on the page from a search.  Also, Netscape versions previous to 6 will not have a working directory tree for the table of contents.  Other browsers are not supported but may view the manual in a limited way.

If the video does not play after clicking on the link:

A media player must be assigned to play mpeg (.mpg) files.  This must be done in order to view the video directly from the link.  In Windows Media Player, this can be done by running Windows Media Player.  Media Player is commonly found under Start, Programs, Accessories, and Entertainment menu.  Once loaded, go to the "View" menu for 6.x versions or "Tools" menu for 7.x versions, choose "Options...," then click on the "Formats" tab.  Make sure the "Movie File (MPEG)" option is checked.  Click "OK" and exit the player.  Other media players may vary on how this is done.  Check the help for your media player for further details.

For additional support ideas on navigating, searching, and printing in the manuals, review the "welcome" page that displays when you first go to your manual.  The "welcome" page can also be viewed at anytime while in the manual by simply clicking on the welcome page link from the navigation tree found in the lower left frame of the browser.

If you continue to have problems, please go to and click on the tech support link on the bottom navigation bar.  Contact us at or call 1-877-424-7838 (toll free).