Calves |
*Temperature |
*Heart Rate |
*Respiratory Rate |
Newborn |
101.4-104º |
115-140 |
56 |
8-14 days old |
101.4-104º |
108 |
50 |
1 month old |
101.4-103.5º |
105 |
50 |
2 months |
101.4-103.5º |
101 |
45 |
3 months |
101.4-103.5º |
99 |
40 |
6 months |
101-103.5º |
96 |
30 |
Adults |
*Temperature |
*Heart Rate |
*Respiratory Rate |
Cows |
99.0-103º |
70-90 |
12-16 |
Bulls/Steers |
99.5-102.8º |
91 |
12-16 |
Heifers |
99.5-103.5º |
70-90 |
14-22 |
*The above numbers are determined when the cow is at rest, and depend on the condition of the individual animal.