Product Description: This is a de-wormer that is effective against stomach, lung, and intestinal worms such as Haemonchus and Ostertagia.
Dosage and Administration: Panacur comes as an oral suspension and a paste that should be dosed according to the animal’s weight. Cattle should be given the de-wormer at 5 mg/kg (2.3 mg/lb). This means that a 100 pound animal will receive 2.3 mLs of Panacur. For the removal of Ostertagia and tapeworms in beef cattle, a dose of 10 mg/kg (4.6 mg/lb) is recommended.
Packaging: The oral suspension comes in 1 liter and 1 gallon containers and each mL of Panacur contains 100 mg of fenbendazole. The pastes come in 92 or 290 gram syringes or cartridges.
Storage and Shelf Life: Store at a controlled room temperature. The oral suspensions should be shaken well before use.
Milk Withholding: Not established for dairy animals.
Meat Withholding: 8 days
Drug Type: Rx
Manufacturer: Intervet, plus others