Product Description:
This is an antibiotic effective against gram negative and gram positive bacteria (Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp., E. coli, and Pasteurella).Indications for Use: Use for general bacterial infections, diarrhea, and pneumonia (shipping fever).
Dosage and Administration: Give 5 mg per lb. of body weight, IM. For example, if you reconstitute a 25 gram vial of Ampicillin with 79 mL of sterile water, a 100 lb. animal should receive 2 mL of the reconstituted liquid. Each vial of powder should be reconstituted with the appropriate amount of sterile water before use.
Duration of Treatment: Treat the animal for at least 3 days, but not longer than 7 days total.
Packaging: This product comes in 10 and 25 gram vials.
Storage and Shelf Life: After reconstitution, this drug remains viable for 1 month without refrigeration and 12 months with refrigeration.
Meat Withholding: 144 hours (6 days) when used according to label.
Drug type: Rx
Manufacturer: Fort Dodge