Product Description:
This drug is an anti-inflammatory (general pain reliever).Indications for Use: Use for fever, mastitis, downer cow, bacterial infection, muscle damage, intestinal or stomach pain.
Dosage and Administration: Give 1 mL per 100 lbs. of body weight, administered IV or IM twice daily. Do not give over 10 mL total, per cow, at any one time.
Duration of Treatment: Banamine can be given for up to 5 days consecutively (see precautions).
Packaging: The product comes in 50, 100, and 250 mL bottles.
Precautions and Side Effects: High doses and excessive days of treatment can cause stomach and intestinal irritation and/or ulceration. If blood is noted in the manure, discontinue use and consider antiulcer treatment (Magnalax or Polyox).
Storage: This drug requires no refrigeration.
Meat Withholding: 4 days
Drug Type: Rx
Manufacturer: Schering-Plough