
Introduction: The Colostrometer is a practical, on farm method for evaluating colostrum quality prior to feeding the newborn calf. This simple test permits the feeding of colostrum containing sufficient immunoglobulins (antibodies) to ensure the successful transfer of antibodies from the mother to the calf. Calves that do not receive sufficient immunoglobulins in the colostrum are more susceptible to infectious diseases and death.

The Colostrometer provides the user with the ability to determine the quality of the colostrum by measuring the quantity of antibodies present. If the calf is fed 4 quarts in the first 24 hours and the colostrum measures in the green zone, the calf should receive sufficient immunity. Instructions on performing this test are contained with the instrument. Additional training may be necessary to perform this test properly.

If high quality colostrum is pooled and stored frozen, it can be fed to newborn calves when the need arises. In the event that there is an excessive demand for high quality colostrum, the pooled colostrum can be diluted with milk to a level that still measures in the green zone and fed to a greater number of newborn calves. When pooling colostrum for feeding newborn calves, never include milk from cows with mastitis or other diseases (Johnes disease, BLV, BVD, or Mycoplasma). These diseases can be shed in the milk.

*Colostrum from heifers will typically be deficient in antibody protection.

*See page A122 for additional ideas on colostrum management.

Manufacturer: Biogenics