Picking Up a Hind Leg

Start slowly from the mid-back region. Maintain at least 3 points of contact (hand, arm, shoulder, and side if possible). With 3 points of contact, any sudden movement from the horse will push the person picking up the foot out of the way. Move the outside hand smoothly from the rump area and down the back side of the leg.


The outside hand can be used to rub and calm the horse while progressing to the mid-cannon region.

The inside hand should be brought to the point of the horse’s hip and can be used to push away from the horse if necessary.


With the outside hand on the cannon region of the leg, the limb can be pulled towards the person lifting the leg. The person can then step forward and place the horse’s foot in their lap.


The inside arm can then be brought down to help control the limb.


The foot can be cradled in your lap by turning your toes in and resting the horse’s leg on your inside thigh and outside knee.