Product Description: This product is a killed vaccine for use in the prevention of EPM or equine protozoal myeloencephalitis caused by Sarcocystis neurona. This vaccine is currently under a conditional license by the USDA.
Dosage and Administration: Give 1 mL, intramuscularly, to healthy horses. Give a second 1 mL dose 3 to 6 weeks after the first dose. A 1 mL booster is recommended annually. See pages A905 and B360 for a vaccination schedule and administration techniques.
Packaging: This product comes as 10 doses in a 10 mL bottle.
Precautions and Side Effects: A local tissue reaction and/or swelling may occur at the injection site. An allergic reaction is also a possibility.
Storage and Shelf Life: This product must be refrigerated prior to use. Store in the dark and avoid freezing.
Meat Withholding: 21 days
Drug Type: O-T-C
Manufacturer: Fort Dodge