Product Description: This is a modified live vaccine, recommended for the vaccination of healthy horses, as an aid in the prevention of strangles disease caused by streptococcus equi.
Dosage and Administration: Using a syringe with an applicator tip, spray the entire rehydrated vaccine into one nostril. Give a second dose 2 to 3 weeks later. An annual booster is recommended. Never give this product as an injection.
Packaging: This product comes as a powder that must be reconstituted with the liquid provided. Shake well prior to use. This product comes with 10 - 2.5 mL bottles of vaccine, and 10 - 2.5 mL bottles of diluent (10 doses) per package.
Precautions and Side Effects: Pinnacle is to be used intranasally only. Allergic reactions are a concern. Some of the contents of the vaccine may contact the hands of the person giving the vaccine. If this occurs, a routine washing of the hands is all that is required. The vaccine is not harmful to humans. Care should be given when administering this vaccine to multiple animals to avoid contamination from one animal to the next.
Storage and Shelf Life: This product must be refrigerated, stored in the dark, and kept from freezing prior to use.
Meat Withholding: 30 days
Drug Type: O-T-C (However, individual vials are not labeled for use without a veterinarian.)
Manufacturer: Fort Dodge