Product Description: This is a vaccine recommended for healthy horses as an aid in the prevention of strangles disease caused by Streptococcus equi.
Dosage and Administration: Give 1 mL, IM, with a second dose of 1 mL given 3 to 4 weeks later. A 1 mL booster is recommended annually or prior to exposure. Shake well before using.
Packaging: This product comes in a 1 dose, 1 mL syringe with needle, or 10 doses in a 10 mL bottle.
Precautions and Side Effects: Some animals may show some local tissue reactions following vaccination. Free exercise is recommended after injection to minimize problems. Allergic reactions are also a concern. See page B360 for proper injection sites and techniques.
* Purpura Hemorrhagica has been associated with some strep vaccines. Consult
veterinarian for specifics.
Storage and Shelf Life: This product must be refrigerated prior to use. Use entire contents of bottle after opening.
Meat Withholding: 21 days
Drug Type: O-T-C
Manufacturer: Bayer Corp.