Normal Ranges

The following table lists some of the most common findings, attributes, and requirements for sheep and goats:

Parameter Sheep Goats
Rectal Temperatures 102.0° F (101.5 - 104.0° F)   102.0 - 104.0° F
Pulse (young animal) 85 - 115/min 80-120/min
Pulse (adult) 70 - 80/min 70 - 80/min
Respiration 9 - 20/min 9 - 20/min
Urine Production 10 - 40 mL/kg 10 - 40 mL/kg
Urine - Specific Gravity 1.015 - 1.045 1.015 - 1.035
Urine Ketone Postive Think of ketosis
Urine Glucose Positive Think of kidney problems
Fleece Weight 7 - 15 lbs (grease)   
Puberty 6 - 12 months 4 - 12 months
Duration of Estrus 18 - 36 hours 18 - 36 hours (24 ave)
Estrous Cycle Length 16 - 17 days 20-22 days
Gestation 144 - 153 days 150 days
Average Birth Weight:   
  Single 8 - 13 lbs Dependent upon breed
  Twin 7 - 10 lbs
Male to Female Ratio
  Ram Lamb or Buck Lamb 1:15 1:15
  Mature Ram or Buck 1:35 - 50 1:35 - 50

* The above numbers are determined when the animal is at rest and depend on the condition of the individual animal.

Capillary Refill Time (CRT): This should be less than two seconds. See page C100 for more information on capillary refill time.

Mucous Membrane Color: The membranes should be pink and moist.

Gut Sounds: In an adult animal, the rumen should contract at least once a minute. See page C888 for additional suggestions.