
Product Description/Indications for Use: This is an antibiotic effective against Salmonella, E. coli, Clostridium, and Camplylobacter bacteria.

Dosage and Administration: Give 10 mg per pound of body weight over a 24 hour period. The powder or solution should be added to the animals’ drinking water and a fresh solution should be prepared daily. Some products can also be given as a drench. This product comes in various concentrations, so the exact amount to add to each gallon of water will need to be determined by reading individual labeling. For example, when using 3.5 oz. packets, the concentration of neomycin sulfate is usually 71.5 grams per packet. This means that one packet can be used to treat 7,150 lbs. of body weight. The packet should be added to the estimated amount of drinking water a group of animals weighing 7,150 lbs. will consume in a 24 hour period.

Duration of Treatment: Administer neomycin daily for a maximum of 14 days.

Packaging: This product comes as an oral solution or as a soluble powder in various concentrations. Some products come in 3.5 oz. packets, while others come in pint and gallon containers.

Milk Withholding: Not established for lactating animals.

Meat Withholding: 20 days for sheep and 30 days for goats.

Drug Type: O-T-C

Manufacturer: Many