I 495
® & In-Synch (Prostaglandin)

Product Description: This drug is a naturally occurring hormone, prostaglandin (PGF2a).

Indications for Use: Use for estrus synchronization, silent heats, pyometra (uterine infections), and to induce abortion or parturition during certain stages of gestation.

Not approved for use in sheep and goats. Refer to extra-label drug use.

Dosage and Administration: For estrus synchronization, give 2-4 mLs (10-20 mg) intramuscularly (IM). To induce parturition in does in the last few weeks of pregnancy, give 2 mLs (10 mg). To terminate pregnancy in a ewe between days 5 and 50 of gestation, give 1-2 mLs (5-10 mg).

Packaging: This drug comes in 10 and 30 mL bottles. Each mL contains 5 mg of PGF2a.

Precautions and Side Effects: Do not give to pregnant animals unless abortion is desired. Mild injection site swelling has been observed.

* Contact with these products can cause severe problems in pregnant women and people with asthma. Therefore, if Lutalyse or In-Synch is spilled on the skin, wash area immediately.

Storage: These products should be stored at room temperature.

Milk Withholding: None in cattle. "Unofficial" reports claim the same for sheep and goats.

Meat Withholding: None in cattle. "Unofficial" reports claim the same for sheep and goats.

Drug Type: Rx

Manufacturers: ProLabs, Pharmacia & Upjohn