Fecal Flotation

A fecal flotation is a test usually performed by the local veterinarian. A sample of fresh manure is taken from an animal suspected of having an internal parasite infection (strongyles, ascarids, tapeworms, and others). Depending on the technique used, only a small amount of manure is necessary to perform the test. There are many different tests available; therefore, it is advisable to consult with a veterinarian before taking the sample.

Once the sample is received by a veterinarian, it is processed and observed under a microscope. Each parasite sheds specific eggs in the manure that are readily recognized and identified by a veterinarian. Once the specific parasite has been identified, the proper treatment can be implemented.

Most internal parasites are found throughout a grazing environment; therefore, repeat contamination usually occurs and additional testing/treatments are often necessary. For additional information on parasites, refer to page A620.