Tagamet® (Cimetidine)

Product Description: This is an H2 inhibitor that decreases acid production in the stomach.

Indications for Use: This product is formulated to help prevent and/or treat ulcers. It should be used in foals or horses that are under stressful circumstances.

Dosage and Administration: For prevention, give 200 mg per 100 lbs., three times a day. For treatment, give 900 mg per 100 lbs. The injectable products are often too expensive to be considered.

Packaging: Tagamet comes in a tablet, liquid solution, and an injectable form. The tablets come in 100, 200, or 300 mg per tablet strength. The solution comes in a 60 mg/mL concentration.

Storage and Shelf Life: Store at room temperature and avoid moisture.

Meat Withholding: Do not use in horses intended for food.

Drug Type: Rx or O-T-C

Similar Products: Zantac

Manufacturer: Many