What is the #1 KILLER of horses in
America?……… continue reading to find the answer!
I want to
introduce you to a cutting edge health care system developed specifically
for horse owners that consider their horses family. This is not your
typical run of the mill reference guide that Grandpa used to use, full of
old wives-tales and hocus pocus. This is a 2006 super-charged,
searchable, updated, hyperlinked, video packed, health care system
developed to put you in the drivers seat when it comes to the health of
your horse.
Do you know that 1 out
of every 10 horses will suffer some type of colic this year alone?
- Will your horse be one of
- Do you know what to do when
a horse colics?
- When should you call your
- What questions will your
veterinarian ask and what questions do you need to be prepared to answer?
Answers to these questions and
thousands of others are covered in great detail in our Infovets Equine
Manual and Health Care System.
BUY THIS MANUAL NOW! Anyone that has been around horses
long enough has seen a horse suffering from a colic episode. Imagine
1,100 pounds of horse flesh, rolling, tossing, turning, sweating, moaning,
and on the edge of death if something is not done immediately! Now
imagine being that horse owner with no idea of what to do next. Or
trying to contact your vet and finding out that they are not available
for another 3 hours!
I know personally of the sense of
fear and hopelessness that comes with not knowing what to do to help a
horse that is suffering. I recall back before I became a
veterinarian, watching my Grandfather attempt to care for one of his
colicky draft horses. I remember that Grandpa thought the horse was
blocked and couldn’t urinate, so he attempted to clean the horse’s sheath.
This was not only the WRONG thing to do, but it also placed himself in
grave danger from the extremely uncomfortable horse. If only
Grandfather had known what to do with a colicky horse! (Luckily for
us the horse got better in spite of our attempted treatments.)
By now I am sure that
you have figured out that COLIC is the #1 Killer of horses.
Thankfully, there are things a
horse owner can do to help prevent colic and also things an owner can do
to help a colicky horse have a better chance of surviving.
The key here is knowledge! Not just any knowledge, but knowledge
that comes from information that is clear, concise, accurate and written
by experts that know about and treat colic on an almost daily basis.
The Infovets manual and health care system are these resources!
Let me introduce myself, my
name is Dr. Cody W. Faerber. I am the owner and founder of Animal
Health Publications / Infovets and a practicing veterinarian. I
graduated from Colorado State University in 1998 and have been practicing
mixed animal medicine and surgery since that time.

“As a practicing veterinarian
in Idaho and Utah, I recognized that horse owners, 4-h, and FFA leaders
require and deserve access to better educational materials and training
information than is presently available. Our manuals and Internet
site are the resources that will assist you in providing superior health
care for your horses.
Our materials combine the efforts and knowledge
of veterinarians, nutritionists, extension agents, university faculty, and
many other professionals, plus countless individual horse people.
Imagine an owner or educator who has instant access to expert information in
each of the above fields. No other set of resources provides
such a diverse amount of information in such a concise and readily
accessible manner.”
Not only will our resources teach
you the skills necessary to help your colicky horse, but they will also
teach you skills on:
- Hoof trimming
- Lameness diagnosis
- Vaccination protocols
- Specific Diseases (West Nile
virus, EPM, EIA, EVA, Strangles, etc) Product information (doses, uses,
- Plus hundreds of more topics
Our resources may not only save your horses life, but they will definitely
save you money $$$$$$$$$
Did you know that the average horse owner spends between
$200-300 a year on each horse for routine things such as vaccines,
dewormers, teeth floating, etc. This is only if the horse remains
healthy. Imagine now if the horse gets sick, colics, has a lameness
problem, etc. The cost goes up substantially! Maybe even into
the thousands of dollars!
Right now the average physical exam for a horse is around $35-45, plus a
farm call of about $30-40 dollars. The end result is around
$75 to have a veterinarian check on your horse (this does not include
mediations, vaccinations or other diagnostics.
To have COMPLETE ACCESS to all that INFOVETS has to offer for horse owners
will cost much less than the average physical exam and farm call!
So lets say you purchase an Infovets subscription for $34.95, what
benefits will you receive?
- First off, you become one of
the elite 50,000 who already
subscribe to Infovets!
- Just by learning one thing from
our materials, you may save the life of your beloved horse, or may
simply prevent a problem before it starts.
Preventing or Treating a problem on your own will
save you much more $$ than the cost of your Infovets
You will soon become an “expert” in equine medicine and a RESPONSIBLE
horse owner.
Your children will love you for saving the family horse.
You can have access to our Consult-A-Vet service 24 hours a day.
You have access at your finger tips to the latest information on equine
health available.
Kristie B.
“Infovets has met my need for a
comprehensive easy-to-access and understand reference manual to answer my
every day questions. The photos are excellent. I am looking forward
to being better informed when I communicate problems to my vet and farrier.
Buy this manual!”
"Anytime I have a problem with my
thoroughbred horses, we study the Infovets Equine CD. I have also bought
this CD for several relatives."
Some people say
"why pay for this information when I can find it out on the internet?"
To that I reply "is the info written and edited by veterinarians,
and does the information tie the disease or problem into a potential
treatment and products for that treatment."
I can honestly say
that our Infovets Equine Manual fits a need that cannot be found in any
other resource.
50,000 subscribers can't be wrong!
Here at Infovets we
put together some of the best minds in the industry to write and combine
their professional and tested knowledge into one uniformed reference guide
on how to provide not only just care for the sick, but also, how to help
prevent problems from even occurring. Just take a look at what we
provide in the Equine manual:
Over 500 pages of detailed information on equine health, nutrition,
products, horse diseases and horse health problems.
Dozens of Video clips and thousands of hyper links
- General Health and
Going through information
such as Equine Nutrition, Reproduction management, Horse Vaccines,
Equine Pregnancy, Equine Hoof Care and Trimming etc.
Routine Observations and Procedures:
Taking a temperature, Emergency Treatments, Artificial Insemination,
Checking Hydration, Body Condition Scoring, Physical Examinations, etc.
- Tests and
Diagnostics: Complete blood
count, Culture and Sensitivity, Serology, and Virus Isolation, etc.
- Infectious
Diseases, Problems and Treatments:
Covering information on equine health problems and diseases such as EPM
(equine protozoal myelitis), Equine Coggins, Strangles, Equine Founder,
Equine Skin Fungus, Equine Ringbone, Equine Tetanus, Equine Sarcoid,
Equine Scratches, etc.
Vaccines and
Parasite Control Products:
What products are available
to treat your horse when they get sick.
Antibiotics and Anti-inflammatory Agents:
Injectable and Oral Products.
Miscellaneous Injectable Products:
Supplements, Hormones, and
General Medications.
Miscellaneous Medications:
Oral Solutions, Oral
Products, Supplements, and Antiseptics.
Veterinary Glossary:
Definitions of medical terms.
Learn how
to save money $$$$$ and hassle by preventing problems before they even
All the above is
available in our printed book that we provide. Now if you get our
version we include everything listed above, but also we included how-to
video clips, hyperlinks, cross referencing and many more features that you
just can't get with an ordinary printed book.
We also provide
access to our manual via our website. This means you can get a
yearly subscription to an electronic version of the small ruminant manual.
All subscribers will
also be able to have access to
Consult -A-Vet
is our
online feature that allows you to post
questions to our qualified Veterinarians. You can also read postings
that other customers have made and read the answers they have received.
Now I know what some
of you are thinking, “Hey I can do this, this is a great product.”
To you I say, DON'T WAIT GO BUY
THIS NOW! Now to you out
there that are saying “I can't do this I'm not a vet,” let me tell you
that I understand your concerns. Our intention is not to replace
your local Veterinarian, or to even turn you into one. Our
intentions are to give you the best possible chance of understanding when
an animal may be sick and what you need to do. What happens if you
can't get a hold of your vet for any reason, or what happens if the vet is
just not sure what may be wrong? Use our material to better
You have the ability
as well to use our material as a
measure. Use the information to protect
your animals from outside influences that could make them sick, or not
produce to their potential. Not only that, recognize early signs and
warnings that will allow you to lower your cost on medicine and vet
Purchase our
material and see for yourself first hand what we provide. I believe
you'll agree that nothing else out there gives you more complete and
up-to-date information. If you have any questions, please feel free
to call and ask for our customer service.
Oh, and did I
mention that we update and upgrade each product once a year?
That’s right, every year we will go
through our material and update what needs to be changed. That may
be functionality of the program or user friendliness, to actually updating
the information that we provide.
Go ahead, see for
yourself what others have learned.